Sofie Helvig Eriksen
Stress testing of adaptive soft foam for undisturbed wound healing

Sofie Helvig Eriksen
Project description
Globally, close to 50 million people are suffering from chronic wounds. Treatment and care of chronic wounds account for >3% of the healthcare budget in developed countries. The patients experience reduced quality of life, a high mortality rate and risk of amputation.
Our solution is an adaptive foam for chronic wounds.
The foam delivers unperturbed wound healing by a combination of benefits. It:
- provides a perfect fit to the wound due to in situ foaming
- is soft and based on silicone, known to promote tissue growth
- inhibits microbial growth due to a buffered solution of an organic acid
- absorbs and retains toxic wound exudate, also under pressure
The foam thereby addresses the multitude of parameters present in a chronic wound.
Technical University of Denmark