Anton Allen Abbotsford Autzen

Polymer platform technology enhancing oral delivery of biopharmaceutical molecules

Anton and team

From left to right: Mads H. Sørensen, Philip M. Lund, Anton A. A. Autzen and Kaia F. Præstegaard


Anton Allen Abbotsford Autzen.

Project drescription

Biopharmaceutical molecules, such as therapeutic peptides and antibodies, demonstrate potential in addressing diseases that small molecules have struggled to treat. The existing orally delivered products exhibit single-digit bioavailability, emphasizing the need for innovation in this area. Patient studies indicate a preference for oral delivery over injections due to increased comfort, reduced infection risks, cost-effectiveness and self-administration potential.

Our solution is a tailored platform, that through the encapsulation of active compounds into highly variable polymers, significantly improves delivery of biopharmaceuticals. By leveraging this technology, we believe it is possible to improve patient life quality.


Technical University of Denmark.